Someday page 259

“Although believers still sin, their Salvation does not get voided because they are saved by God’s righteousness rather than their own.”

There are many religions out there that subconsciously or deliberately preach that Salvation comes from good works. You earn your way, and you earn your keep. Such religions might also teach good morals and values, but nothing is further from the truth.

Salvation is so good and so true, but not complicated.

If there is one thing you should know about Salvation, it is that it only comes from accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior. It is not earned, even much less deserved, but lovingly given to us through Jesus Christ.

Just like doing good works and being “perfect” doesn’t make you any more or less your parent’s child, we are permanently a child of God once we accept Jesus. Flawless or not (I’m sure not), we all have a place in Heaven through Jesus and Jesus alone.