SURRENDER. It sounds more terrifying and unsavory than sweet, yeah? I totally get it. I used to think the same way, but after living it out intentionally, I can’t think of anything sweeter. 💕

Over the years I’ve come to a more simplistic view of a seemingly uneasy subject, and I’d love to share it with you. The best way I can describe it is by telling you the story of one of the boldest surrenders of my life …

Back in 2009, when Jason and I got engaged after only a month of dating (and knowing each other), it just felt so right. Naturally, there were the concerned friends and family voicing that maybe we were rushing into marriage. As I took in all the advice I was getting from my loved ones, I sought out a different way to make sure my steps were solid.

I felt convicted to pray for God’s blessing for our upcoming marriage. Of course God already knew, but I wanted to let Him know just how much I wanted it. I followed that request with another big ask – to have Jason walk away from my life if he wasn’t the one God had for me. I didn’t feel that I had it 100% in me to discern and walk away (if necessary) myself, so I asked God to guide me by ultimately surrendering my trust in this matter. I gave God control over my relationship with Jason. I let Him know that I had faith in Him fully with it.

In my mind, this meant that even if Jason left me at the alter on our wedding day, I would be hurt but trust that God had a different direction for me. In my prayer I promised God that even if I was utterly embarrassed and emotionally pained, I would obey His path for my life and move on in peace, knowing that He would eventually lead me in a finer direction. I’m practical, straight to the point, and a little dramatic like that. 😬

We planned a wedding for five months out and it was a beautiful celebration of love. 🥰 But to be honest, because of this prayer, up until the last second, I was half expecting J to run out. I took a shot of some brown liquor (I’m human!) and nervously walked down the aisle in front of hundreds of people. I promised my surrender to God, and He very well could have tested me. But thankfully, Jason didn’t run out on me. It was a go!

That prayer made ALL the difference in the unfolding of our new life together. As we went on with our married life, I had (and still have!) this undeniable assurance that ours was a union that God blessed. LET ME TELL YOU … prayers of surrender can give you a hope and confidence that you can never give yourself.

The next time you find yourself at a turning point in life, I encourage you to pray boldly. Pray boldly for the things you hope for, and pray boldly for His guidance. It is when you surrender your will and trust to God that He promises to give you the desires of your heart. I believe that God puts seeds of hope in our hearts and that it is our duty to pray with a humble heart to see them ultimately come to pass.

God knows what is best for you, and when you give Him permission to direct your steps, He will always lead you to where you truly belong. My dear friend, this is how you can start living your best life.

I love you! But God loves you infinity. ❤️

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.