As I’m sure it is in many cultures, food is very important in South Korea. It is a delicious and practical way of showing affection and care. So much so that even strangers will offer you food in the oddest of places.

In my case, the most delicious and random sweet potato from the sales rep at TONYMOLY. Makeup and food? YUS!

I was hanging out in Seoul one night with a good friend when I stumbled across a large event site. She told me that the government funds a public charity event annually where people (including some celebrities) gather to make kimchi for the less fortunate. This is where it happened.

I’m not crying. You’re not crying. Everyone is smiling because they have kimchi. ❤️


Attached is also a photo of a McDonald’s meal I had in Korea. Whether it be in Europe, Asia, or the Middle East, I always like to stop by any foreign McDonald’s to see what new things they offer. And to taste how different the fries are. It’s a thing I do. 😃